Whether you want a seat at the table during one of our scheduled EVENTS, or just want some space just for you (and maybe a friend or two), we've got you covered. See additional details below!

All visitors are entitled to one free demo session of a card game, a board game, a tabletop demo or an RPG session. This also includes instructional events. We will work hard to make sure that there are free events throughout the year so that everyone has a chance to try something new!
A Note About The Pay to Play Model

We have an extensive gaming library available to play in the shop! Stop in and check out what is available. If there is a game missing from the library that you would like to play, let us know.
To play a game at the shop it is $5 per person, per entrance to last as long as feasible. If things are busy, it reserves you table space for 2 hours or the length of the games/games, whichever is longer. Previous seats may pay an additional fee to remain reserved.
Reserving games or tables in advance is an additional $10 charge. If tables are reserved, they will be held to a maximum of one hour past reservation time, at which point reservation fees will be lost. We will still try to accommodate as best we can so no one loses out, but refunds will not be offered.
There may be additional costs for event reservations, such as private parties, etc.

Calling all Warhammer fans, starting in 2023, we will have rentable armies available in the shop! Want to play a match, but don't have an army to play with? Do you have an army, but need to beef it up? We will have fully painted units for a variety of races. Fully painted armies will be available for both 40k and Sigmar. Stop in and check out what is available!
Use of table space is $5 to $10 per game if using your own game/models. Reservations in advance is a flat $10 and normal rules apply. This entitles you to a game with provided terrain, but there is a separate charge for anything else needed.
Renting Armies or Units:
Units or Characters - $1 to $5 per game, depending on size of unit
Small Army - $25 per game
Large Army - $35 per game
Two players with Small Armies - $40 per game
Two players with Large Armies - $60 per game
NOTE: If there are rental fees for armies, then tables, terrain, and materials will be included for free.